
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Justice, Mercy and Humility {Micah 5-7}

August 21, 2018

As we read chapters 5-7 today, we should pause and look at any areas in our hearts that need confessing.  Micah is the one book in the Bible with the clearest prophecies of Christ’s coming, and as you read these chapters, what are you obsessed with?  Is there something you keep thinking about or are doing that needs to be removed from your heart to make room for Jesus?

Micah’s prophecies are clear – God will destroy anything and anyone who is opposed to Him.  When God rules in His eternal kingdom, our strength and deliverance will not be found in military might, but in God’s power.  God will destroy all the weapons that people use for security.  Armies will not be needed because God will rule in the heart of every person.  That alone should give us confidence.

Chapter 6 is definitely one of my favorites.  In fact, this plaque has set in our house for 4 years since my youngest son graduated from the 8th grade.  It reminds me where my focus should be.

I’ve written my last two posts about the land of our heart and that is the land that the Lord wants to occupy.  A changed heart, one that no longer desires to sin, but one that listens to the Holy Spirit, is what God desires from us.  As we read 6:1-7, we see that there is nothing we can do to repay God for our sins.  God has been kind to all of us forgetful people.  When we regularly forget to remember God’s goodness and we take all of His gifts for granted, we stand condemned.  We need to remember all of the times God has protected us and in return we will see His present provision.

When we are tempted to come up with a way to please God, we need to remember what God requires from us.

        Do Justice – we need to have a strong desire or sense of right and wrong.  
        This drives a person to strive to do what is right.

       Love Mercy – we do this by showing God’s love to others and by being loyal to God.

      Walk Humbly – being humble will reflect what God is doing through your life. 
       This gives God all the glory.

All religious rites, no matter how extravagant, can never compensate for a lack of love.  External compliance to rules is not as valuable in God’s eyes and as a humble heart that simply does what is right.

Even in our world today, God’s people will continue to desire justice, mercy and humility.

 Image result for 1 corinthians 13:3


Do you yearn to experience more of the love of Jesus in your life this fall? Come join our New Testament study with an eclectic group of women from around the world!

Together we'll read through the entire New Testament and grow to love our Lord & Savior even more! Trust in Him, and begin an adventure that will transform your life and maybe others as well!
Begins August 31st! on Women in the Word.