
Monday, August 13, 2018

God Longs For You {Hosea 11:1-14:9}

Israel had turned away from the Lord. They rejected His love, choosing instead to chase after foreign gods and live in rebellion. To show the people how far they had fallen, God commanded the prophet Hosea to choose a prostitute and marry her. Hosea picked Gomer, who despite his love and faithfulness, continued in her adulterous ways. Hosea went throughout the land preaching that Israel was the same as a prostitute. As the beloved bride of God, they too, despite His love and faithfulness, continued in their adulterous ways. 

To further prove His point, God instructed Hosea to perform an act of humility, done completely out of love. Upon returning home from sharing God’s message, Hosea found his wife selling herself to the highest bidder. Can you imagine the pain and shame Hosea felt? After all he had given Gomer, there she was eagerly seeking another. Regardless, and even though she didn’t deserve it, God told Hosea to go and bid for his wife; paying whatever it took to redeem her from harlotry. 

This amazing example of selfless love is the same love God has for us. Even in our unfaithfulness, and at great personal cost, He sent His Son Jesus to redeem us from our harlotry. A gift we don’t deserve, can never earn, and one He offers freely to all who love Him. And what does He want in return? What God longs for most of all is a close intimate relationship with those that He calls His own. 

He wants us to walk with Him in love, worship, and obedience. His love for us remains true and everlasting. Even when we are unfaithful, when we reject Him, God never rejects us. He waits patiently until that time, when in repentance, we run back to His loving, and forgiving arms. Even through Israel’s sin and exile God yearned for restoration with His people. “How can I give you up O Ephraim? How can I surrender you O Israel? ...My heart is turned over with in Me, all My compassions are kindled.” (vs. 11:8) “Return to your God, observe kindness and justice, and wait for your God continually.” (vs. 12:6)

The book of Hosea is a love letter from God to His people. In it He shows His abundant grace; loving and caring for us even when we don’t love Him in return. And just as Hosea took back his unfaithful wife, God is always willing to forgive and restore his unfaithful people. We may turn our backs on Him, but the Lord will never stop graciously calling us, His beloveds, back to Himself! “Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love” (Joel 2:13)