
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Who's going to win this argument? {Isaiah 45 - 48}

July 11, 2018

I just can’t help but wonder why I would ever argue with God.  I’ve mentioned a few times about being in a season on expectation and it’s been very difficult.  Fear would grip me and I would be reminded that fear is not faith.

You see, I was the one who always dreamt about something better.  I painted a picture in my head of what life should look like.  Now let me tell you, you would think that after the first disappointment I would have stopped creating this production in my head of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.   No!  Over and over I edited and remade the perfect life.  And over and over what actually occurred wasn’t quite like my creation.  And once again, I was disappointed.

I have read Isaiah several times and even acknowledged that God is God and I am His creation, however, you could even ask my family and friends, I like my ideas.
 Image result for isaiah 45:9

***A potsherd is a broken piece of pottery – essentially worthless.

All throughout chapter 45 we see how God reminds us that He is the creator of the universe – even my universe.  “Listen to me, all you who are left in Israel.  I created you and have cared for you since before you were born.  I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until your hair is white with age.  I made you, and I will care for you.  I will carry you along and save you.”  46:3-4

I have been listening to “Pilgrim’s Progress” while I am at work since I cannot read while I work, and it has helped redirect my thoughts.  It has helped me walk more obediently.  It was verse 48:4 that made me stop and think, ‘am I really that obstinate?  Do I really have such a stiff neck?  Am I that proud, that I could become the one who wanders off in my own direction, never to arrive at the eternal kingdom?’

I used to pray for humility and for me it has been a long hard road to travel.  The heading for the devotional in the iWorship Bible was perfect for me; “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.”

If you have never read “Pilgrim’s Progress,” I highly recommend it.  If you struggle, even a little, with being the director in your life, let these verses sink in and help you recognize God as who He is.