
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Individual Decisions {Jeremiah 34-38}

July 24, 2018

I know a lot of people read the book of Jeremiah and see a nation being warned to repent of their sins, but for me, I see it as an individual warning.  Each one of us needs to make that decision because how we behave and interact with others, does have an impact on those around us.  As believers, joined together, we are a nation, and we are called to be the light that shines for all to see. (Matthew 5:16)

 Image result for matthew 5:16
There is one that that is certain, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the WORD about Christ.”  Romans 10:17 (emphasis mine)

I have heard people try to explain or rationalize and analyze scripture, but let this be a warning; when Kimg Jehoiakim cut the scroll and then burned it, he was breaking the covenant with God.  If it weren’t for the remnant of the people of that time to remain steadfast in their commitment to God, we would not have the Word of God for us to gain wisdom and understanding of the Lord. 

Be like the Rekabites and remain committed to reading and studying the Word of God and be a light to the rest of the world.

 Image result for jeremiah 36:32