
Thursday, July 5, 2018

God's Justice Prevails (Isaiah 17-23)

Last week, I wrote about how life is not fair.  Isaiah reminds us however, that God is in control and He holds the scales of justice. All of mankind is accountable for his choices, beliefs, and actions. 

According to Billy Graham: “Modern man does not like to think of God in terms of wrath, anger and judgment. He likes to make God according to his own ideas and give God the characteristics he wants Him to possess. Man tries to remake God to conform to his own wishful thinking, so that he can make himself comfortable in his sins.
This modern god has the attributes of love, mercy and forgiveness, but is without justice. Man doesn’t want to be judged and punished for sin. He “reconstructs” God along the lines of tolerance, all-embracing love and universal goodwill.”

In today’s modern world this is very true. Many live without regard for God’s truth and holiness.  Often, it seems that they also prosper in their endeavors. In these chapters, Isaiah gave warning to the people of His day that God would bring to ruin what man had prospered to build with his own hands and would destroy the very things that man depended on apart from God. At some point, all of mankind has to acknowledge his Maker. 

“In that day man will look to his Maker, and his eyes will look on the Holy One of Israel. He will not look to the altars, the work of his hands, and he will not look on what his own fingers have made, either the Asherim or the altars of incense. In that day their strong cities will be like the deserted places of the wooded heights and the hilltops, which they deserted because of the children of Israel, and there will be desolation.” (Isaiah17:7-9)

Even Egypt in all of its wealth and prosperity would know hard times when the “sacred Nile”  they depended on ceased to provide its resources. The idols and magicians they turned to for counsel and deliverance would fail to deliver and the Egyptian empire would struggle as its power weakened. But, God would also show that even though he must judge sin, He also chooses to show mercy to those who realize their need for His salvation. This mercy would be extended to those in Egypt who acknowledged Him. 
“And the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day and worship with sacrifice and offering, and they will make vows to the Lord and perform them. And the Lord will strike Egypt, striking and healing, and they will return to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas for mercy and heal them.” (Isaiah 19:21-22)

When we stray from God, He lovingly and justly disciplines us too. But, He longs to get our attention and reconcile us to Him. Do not be discouraged when evil seems to thrive around you.  God sees all and He is always in control.  Because He is Holy, all will be judged.  Because He is merciful, we who trust in Christ will know His salvation and restoration.  God’s justice will prevail!