
Friday, July 20, 2018

Deeper Living {Jeremiah 17-20}

The heart is deceitful above all things
    and beyond cure.
    Who can understand it?
 “I the Lord search the heart
    and examine the mind,
to reward each person according to their conduct,
    according to what their deeds deserve.”- Jeremiah 17:9-10

Jeremiah 17 verse 9 teaches us that the heart is deceitful. So often we hear phrases like "follow your heart", but the truth is that it's our heart or "flesh" that often gets us in trouble.

Self deception is one weapon that the enemy uses to trap us. Our heart (flesh) always helps self to get whatever self wants. When we have a strong desire for something, we can easily deceive ourselves by telling ourselves whatever we want to hear.  When our will desires something, our mind will give us a variety of reasons why we should have it, even our emotions will follow in agreement to what our will or flesh desires! and oh boy... that's when problem comes in!

I've been blessed with a husband who is a very quiet man...but very wise. He doesn't get moved by emotions, nor by feelings (though sometimes this fact frustrates me as well, since by nature we women tend to me very emotional ha!). The truth is, that he has always taught me that I need to live deeper than the shallowness of my own mind, will and feelings.

Living deeper means that we go beyond what we want, what we think and how we feel and we decide to live by the Word of God.

It is only when we bow our knees (our will) in humility to God's will and His word that we will find our true blessings.

We must pray and stay alert against any deception from the enemy. When we believe something that is not true, we are deceived.

Believing a lie, to a point that it actually becomes truth to you even though it's a lie is a very dangerous place to be. We must rather recognize the fact that not everything we want is best for us. We must pray and ask God for what we want, but always be willing to change when we discover it doesn't quite align to God's will for our lives.

After all, God has our best interest at his heart- For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.- Jeremiah 29:11.

Above all, hold your peace and remain at rest.

"Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart" - Psalm 51:6

The more we fill our hearts and minds with God's word and wisdom the less room we'll have for deception to come in.

Remain blessed sister, enjoy your weekend.
