
Friday, June 22, 2018

Walking Boldly In Your Vision {Proverbs 27:1-29:27}

Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]- blessed ) happy fortunate, and enviable) is he. [1 Sam.3:1; Amos 8:11,12] - Proverbs 29:18 AMP

It is always good to look forward to a brighter future , especially when things are not going great at the moment. The previous Scripture says where there is no vision, people perish.

Vision is something God plants in us supernaturally or something we see on purpose. It involves thinking about our past, our future and ourselves.

Believing God for a vision can be scary. People believe that they're setting themselves for disappointment. The truth is that, it could be more disappointing not believing. What does believing cost? Nothing. What do you have to lose? Nothing.

God alone can give us the confidence to walk boldly towards our destiny.

The Wicked flee when no man pursues them, but the [uncompromisingly] right are bold as a lion [Lev. 26:17, 36; Ps. 53:5]- Proverbs 28:1 AMP

If we really want to succeed and enjoy our lives, we need the Holy Spirit to lead us. Only God, through His Spirit can lead us and help us to be all we can be.

Being led by the Spirit doesn't mean we won't make mistakes. It's not that the Holy Spirit makes mistakes...but we do. Being led by the Holy Spirit means learning only by "doing". Taking "baby steps"...stepping out believing in whatever we feel God is leading us to do. Following the Spirit is a process that requires experience and wisdom to hear God.

When you step out in faith the outcome could be great or not so great BUT even if it doesn't go as expected, there is no shame in stepping out to find out. If something doesn't work as desired we can always back off and pray some more.

We must be able to be wise and bold enough to pray and learn from our mistakes, for then, determine to go on. We cannot allow condemnation to freeze us with fear so we never reach our destinies.

God is calling us to be as bold as a lion. We cannot hide behind our insecurities, fears and mistakes.

Abide in God. Rely in God.  It is only with His help that we will be able to succeed [John 15:5]. Only by His guidance, that we will be able to get up and dust off when we have made a mistake.

We can be all what God has called us to be. We can have all what God has for us, if we do all what He asks us to do.

Today believe something good will happen to you. 

Let us ask God for a vision to pursue. Let us believe we can do whatever we need to do in life through Christ. [Philippians 4:13]

Enjoy your weekend sisters.