
Monday, June 25, 2018

Eternity {Ecclesiastes 3}

June 26, 2018

I have got to be the luckiest person!  I discovered that I got to write on Ecclesiastes 3 right after a discussion with a young person who wanted to change the world through politics, I just about screamed!  The Lord set me up alright!

You see, she just could not accept that “nothing is new under the sun.”  But you know, God has planted eternity in her heart.  She may not be a believer yet, but she is seeking something better. 

What does it mean to have eternity in our hearts?  Each one of us have a God-given awareness that there is “something more” in this transient world.  With that awareness of eternity comes a hope that we can one day find a fulfillment not in the “vanity” of this world.

 Image result for ecclesiastes 3:11

How do you know if you have eternity in your heart? 

“God has put eternity in our hearts to remind us that there will be a time in the future.  We can’t know it all.  Our lives are comprised of opposite experiences in balance; God has appointed each to its season.  Each season is to be considered as part of a whole.”  (Got

In trying to explain to this young person that our passion for politics doesn’t align with hers because we have come to realize that seasons come and seasons go and nothing in this life truly satisfies us.  Just as Solomon answered in 1:2, all is vanity.  You know though, through the ups and downs and changes of this life, we have a glimpse of stability – “God has set eternity in the human heart”.  And just as James says in 4:14, “Life is but a vapor”.  But we know there is something past this life because we have a divinely implanted awareness that the soul lives forever.  

Image result for Hebrews 13:14