
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Delight in His Love - Song of Songs 1-4

While doing a bit of research I learned that Solomon composed some 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32), and this was the greatest among them: “Song of Songs”. 

Many different interpretive approaches have been used in understanding this great song. It seems that Bible translators cannot even agree on a name for the book. Some call it “Song of Solomon,” some “Song of Songs,” some even use the Latin word for songs, calling it “Canticles.” (

-The early Jewish rabbis taught that Song of Songs pictures God’s love for Israel. 
- M. Henry wrote: “This book is a Divine allegory, which represents the love between Christ and his church of true believers, under figures taken from the relation and affection that subsist between a bridegroom and his espoused bride; an emblem often employed in Scripture, as describing the nearest, firmest, and most sure relation”   “There is no character in the church of Christ, and no situation in which the believer is placed, but what may be traced in this book, as humble inquirers will find, on comparing it with other Scriptures, by the assistance of God the Holy Spirit, in answer to their supplications. Much, however, of the language has been misunderstood by expositors and translators.”
I remember when I surrendered my life to Jesus I did not even want to date. I was SO IN LOVE with God that nothing else mattered! He was my EVERYTHING, from the first day of His calling: 
“Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
    and come away,” (2:10, 13)

I felt deep inside of me: “My beloved is mine, and I am his;” (2:16)

Three months before this day, I had been on a date with a young man (whom now is my husband), and although he seemed very interested I really wasn’t. Later on when I surrendered my life to Jesus, this man showed up again and he insisted that he cared for me and wanted to get to know me better, for he intended something serious (formal).  I had to tell him that I was not going to date him anymore for I was IN LOVE! Yes, I was deeply in love with Jesus!! I was on my last year in the University and working part time, and my free time was His! But this man wanted to know more about this “new love of mine”, so I witnessed to him. He continued calling and we began to see each other to chat about Jesus and study God’s Word; then we ended up going to Church and as months went by we were engaged! It was God’s love growing in us and among us!! We married and we offered our lives and of our future children to Him. In our 34+ years of marriage there have been great challenges, but let me tell you His Love and Faithfulness have been greater!
“Catch the foxes for us,
The little foxes that spoil and ruin the vineyards [of love],
While our vineyards are in blossom.” (2:15)

Yes, we will face trials in our Christian walk, but He promised to be with us!  “If you have any sign of spiritual life, if you have any tender grapes upon your branches, the devil and his foxes will be sure to be at you; therefore, endeavor to get as close as ever you can to two persons who are mentioned hard by my text, namely, the King and his spouse. First, keep close to Christ for this is your life; and next, keep close to his Church, for this is your comfort.” (Spurgeon)
It has been through God’s Amazing Grace, Love and Faithfulness that our Family is walking with Him and we pray our children’s children will, too! As Christians we are now part of His Church: His Bride ( Matthew 9:15; 25:1; see also Revelation 21:2,9; Ephesians 5:27).
So let me encourage you to take a step of faith to His calling, to pour your love out to Him and place your life and the lives of your family on the Altar and delight in Him!!
“O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good;
How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him.O [reverently] fear the Lord, you His saints (believers, holy ones);
For to those who fear Him there is no want.” (Psalm 34:8-9)

 “But to hear Christ turn round upon his Church, and seem to say to her ‘Thou hast praised me, I will praise thee; thou thinkest much of me, I think quite as much of thee; thou usest great expressions to me, I will use just the same to thee. Thou sayest my love is better than wine, so is thine to me; thou tellest me all my garments smell of myrrh, so do thine; thou sayest my word is sweeter than honey to thy lips, so is thine to mine. All that thou canst say of me, I say it teach to thee; I see myself in thy eyes, I can see my own beauty in thee; and whatever belongs to me, belongs to thee. Therefore, O my love, I will sing back the song: thou hast sung it to thy beloved, and I will sing it to my beloved.'” (Spurgeon)
Yes, let us delight in our God, for He is Worthy!!
