
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

By Wisdom a Home is Built {Proverbs 24}

One of the most beautiful pictures God ever designed has been His plan for the family, for here we have the picture of the trinity on display. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit- the three are One. On earth we have husband, wife and child(ren)- the three are one family. Can you see why God’s enemy is so set on destroying the family?

If he can destroy the family, he robs God of His glory, but here at the beginning of Proverbs 24 Solomon gives three beautiful ways to help us, not only exist, or live, but to flourish in our marriages and families:

By wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
And by knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.

God’s plan for marriage is simple: wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. I know some of you may be thinking it can’t possibly be that easy, but let’s do a bit of investigative work and you just may come around! I like how Chuck Swindoll defined these for us:

“By wisdom a house is built....

First, let’s lay the foundation. The word built comes from the Hebrew word that means “to restore.” It’s the same word God uses when He took the rib from Adam’s chest and rebuilt it into a woman. God says it takes wisdom to build this kind of house. Wisdom essentially means “seeing with discernment.” It’s the idea of seeing the broad picture of something. When you choose to look at the broad picture rather than the petty details, you build a strong foundation.

“By understanding a house is established....”

Established in Hebrew means to set in order something that is cluttered or to stand upright something that has fallen. If wisdom is seeing with discernment, then this second piece is responding to what you see with insight. How can you do that? With understanding.

In other words, an irritation I would normally take personally, I don’t take personally any longer. A conflict that cuts into my plan will not irritate me if I have wisdom and understanding. I will see it as God sees it, as good or necessary for me at this time.

“By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Knowledge implies “perception” here. It carries with it a sympathy that comes with learning. As I grow in knowledge of my spouse/children, I increase in my perception of him/her. I say with my actions: I am listening. I am learning. I am open. Knowledge, when it’s combined with wisdom and understanding, Proverbs says, fills your home with precious and pleasant riches. What does that mean? It means your relationship will be filled with the things that won’t burn up if a fire strikes.

As you read over this did you begin to see how crafty our enemy is? He’s convinced so many families today that all they need are more “things”- more activities, more money, a better job, home, surroundings. Families are busy, busy, busy filling their lives with good things! After all we all want well rounded children, but have we forfeited the very best for our families for “good things”?

  • If so, by wisdom it can begin to be restored.
  • By understanding it can be righted.
  • By knowledge the home can be filled with precious and lasting qualities.

We simply need to begin by asking the Lord to build within each of us a heart of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May He begin in us, and then may it spread like fire through the rest of the family, neighborhood, community and beyond!

