
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Blessings of Forgiveness {Psalm 29:1 - 32:11}

May 8, 2018

Image result for psalm 32:1

Have you ever been struggling with something that simply will not go away?  An issue that would easily go away if you just got your own way?  I’ve been there – for quite a while I must admit.  I’ve wanted something to just go away and I’ve tried to take matters into my own hands and it’s backfired.  So lately I’ve been really examining myself and I’ve come to realize I have had unconfessed sin.  Honestly, I’ve been angry that I couldn’t get my way!  It’s a bit embarrassing to tell you all, but letting go of something, that seems like it would be such a blessing, has been down right exhausting. 

But first I had to confess a few things.  Jealously.  Anger.  Just to name a couple.  And to end today’s readings with chapter 32 – WOW!  It’s just perfect!

Confession is not always easy – I mean, it has to come from the heart.  God really doesn’t accept lip service.  And if you’re feeling the heavy hand of God’s discipline (v. 4), then I pray you are on your knees, or better yet, face flat on the floor, confessing to Him.  Because I’ll tell you what, you will soon feel the protection of God’s hand, keeping you from trouble (v. 7).  And He will show you His path!  (v. 8)

The iworship devotional says, “Refusing to confess sin produces a kind of pent-up internal pressure that builds and builds, resulting in every manner of misery for body and spirit.  Psalm 32 speaks of this effect as well.  But, oh, the relief of confession, as the pressure flows out with the penitent’s tears!  Praise then becomes as natural and as necessary as breathing.  Confession renews worship.”

I discovered this as I was studying Psalm 32.  It’s a little bit long, but so worth it.

Image result for psalm 32:11