
Friday, May 11, 2018

Longing for God {Psalms 42:1-45:17}

As the deer pants for streams for water, so I long for you, O God - Psalm 42:1-2

Do you long for God? Do you really desire Him?

The verse mentions an analogy of a thirsty deer longing for water. But what difference would make to the deer to "know" the water but not experience it or "drinking" it. He would still be thirsty and could  eventually die.

The same applies with us and our desire for God. God does not only want us to "know" Him but seek Him and experience Him.

Jesus stands at the doors of our hearts and speaks to the heart of each person on earth, offering the water of eternal life--the life that flows from God.

If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink (John 7:37). 

Throughout the Scriptures there are many verses that speak of God's provision of water as evidence of his grace and as an image of his gift of life in his presence. Indeed, many of these texts were read at this festival, such as the gift of water from the rock (Ex 17:1-6), the water from the eschatological temple (Ezek 47:1-11; cf. Joel 3:18) and the water from Jerusalem that will flow in the age to come (Zech 14:8; cf. Beasley-Murray 1987:116). In Nehemiah there is a reference to the water from the rock in the wilderness (Neh 9:15), which is followed by a description of God's gracious provision: "You gave your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold your manna from their mouths, and you gave them water for their thirst" (9:20; cf. Carson 1991:326-27). 

Jesus invites those who know their need, those who are poor in spirit (cf. Mt 5:3), to take the initiative and come to him and drink (v. 37). Drinking refers to believing (cf. v. 38), which means aligning oneself with him, trusting him, receiving his teaching and obeying his commands. Such faith will enable one to receive the Spirit and enter an abiding relationship with Christ after his glorification. All of this is based on who God is and what he has done for us. When we believe we open our hands to receive what his grace offers--we come and drink. **VP New Testament Commentaries  by InterVarsity Press.

God wants us to experience who He really seek Him and He will satisfy our desire and thirst.

What to do when you feel discouraged and depressed? PRAISE HIM

Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again- my Saviour and my God! - Psalm 42:5

In this verse we see the sons of Korah struggling with depression and it also shows us what to do when we are feeling depressed.

First they ask a question to their own souls : "Why am I discouraged?"

Is what I'm going through impossible to God? {Luke 1:37} Bigger than God? {1 John 4:4} -{You know the answer, don't you?}

Second, they gave and instruction to their souls. They realign their mindset. They changed their thinking. There is power in out thoughts. {Proverbs 23:7}

Finally, they resolve what to do: "I will praise the Lord"

Praising makes a whole lot of difference. I have seen it in my life. In the gloomy dark days...I just praise Him. Just because He's worthy...regardless the situation.

So sisters, today I encourage you to experience victory through cheerful, positive, God-like thinking!

Have a beautiful blessed weekend,

Love from Botswana,
