
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sharing the Lord's Grace

Sharing the Lord's Grace

Dear Lord, my Father,

I have seen in Your Living Word that Your mercies are new every day.
Lord, you told Moses, "I Am that I Am" which means to me You are sufficient in every way.
I praise You Lord that You are my everything and great is Your love.

Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life.”
Please Lord, allow my mind, heart and soul to be satisfied in You.
May I look up for the manna provided from the heavens to fill every craving that I may die to my flesh.
I praise You for Your provision, so that I may give generously so others crave You for their answer.

Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World.”
Please Lord, allow me to trust in Your Truths even when my eyes can not see Your plan. May I rest in You, and pray for Your healing so I can see.
I praise You for your guidance. With it may I be so bright and warm anyone traveling will see You.

Jesus said, “I am the Door (of the sheep).”
Please Lord, help me stay on the narrow path so I can enter by the door and have no doubt because I will be standing on the Rock!
I praise You for Your righteousness. With it may I sacrifice so others will want to count on You.

Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd.”
Please Lord, allow me to know You so well that even Your footsteps speak. Even when I am headed the wrong way, I will ache to be found and turn back toward You.
I praise You for Your protection. With it may I stand on the wall to warn others to repent so You can adopt them as well.

Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life”
Please Lord, allow me to live in a way that helps others see my actions testify of You, Lord! After You have softened my heart, give me Your words to speak.
I praise You for Your Peace, and may I kneel so others will see where my help comes from. 

Jesus Said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
Please Lord, help me follow my Brother’s example, even when it is not the cup I want. If it is Your will allow me to yield myself to it so Your glory is seen.
I praise you for Your Strength. With it may I be courageous and stand in You so Your glory can be inviting.

Jesus Said, “I am the True Vine."
Please Lord, prune me, cutting off anything that does not belong so that the fruits of Jesus can be seen by others in my life. May Your righteousness testify for You, Lord.
I praise You for Grace. With it may I live like Jesus so others will know that it is not I, but You Lord.

Lord please allow the one who reads this to know You as the awesome God who has a plan for them.
You go before them Lord and You are the rear-guard. You have surrounded them with armies.
I praise You for allowing them to be seated in heavenlies! May they put on Your full armor, which will enable them to go and share Your Good News with others. Your GRACE is sufficient. Your MERCY is unending. You will fill anyone, who allows You to, with Hope, Faith, and greatest of all, LOVE!

{Written by Lisa Williams}