
Monday, April 9, 2018

Looking For Good Advice {2 Chronicles 10:1-13:22}

As a child to my joy, one Christmas I received the all telling magic 8 ball I so desperately wanted. They were the latest rage so of course I just had to have one! I remember my brothers and I spending the rest of the day asking it every question under the sun. And when we didn’t like the answer, we shook the ball again until it told us what we wanted to hear. When I look back now it seems pretty silly to trust a plastic ball, but even as adults how often do we look for advice in all the wrong places instead of going to the One who has the answers?

After the death of Solomon, his son Rehoboam traveled to Shechem to meet with Israel and be recognized as king. There the people, through their appointed spokesman Jeroboam, asked for easier treatment then they had received under Solomon. In return, they promised their loyalty and servitude. Rehoboam sent the people away for three days while he pondered his answer. He consulted the elders who had guided his father, and they in turn recommended kindness. Not content with the answer they gave, he inquired of the young men he had grown up with. Rehoboam’s friends gave him an answer that tickled his ears. An answer not of mercy but one filled with threats. “My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to it; my father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions.” (vs. 10:14) The result? The kingdom of Israel was split in two and Rehoboam fled for his life.

Had Rehoboam first turned to God for advice instead of shaking the magic 8 ball until he heard the answer he wanted, he could have saved himself from making some pretty bad mistakes. As Charles Spurgeon once said, “It usually happens that when men will not ask counsel of God, if they go to other sources for guidance, they generally accept the very worst form of advice.” God always wants us to come to Him first and foremost with every situation and with every question. Why? Because He is the very source of wisdom. For as Isaiah 28:29 tells us, He is the “Lord of hosts Who has made His counsel wonderful and His wisdom great.”

Have you ever said to yourself, “If only I had..?” or, “I wish I didn’t...!” The Bible is filled with story after story of those who made both wise and unwise decisions, and the consequences of their choices. It also teaches us a very important Biblical principle, we reap what we sow. (Gal. 6:7) When first we seek counsel from the Lord, we save ourselves from reaping a life filled with regret. So how do we receive God’s advice and know His will? By applying these practical principles; surrendering our will to His, meditating on His Word, spending time in prayer, having patience in waiting to hear from Him, and trusting completely in the answer He gives.

Each day we find ourselves facing decisions to be made, both big and small. And with each one God eagerly awaits us to come to Him. He is concerned about every aspect of our lives big and small. And James 1:5 promises, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” Our Father knows us better than we know ourselves and only wants the absolute best for us. We can trust Him to lead us in the right direction and He always blesses our obedience. So whose advice do you seek? Instead of rolling the dice, do yourself a favor and, “inquire first for the word of the Lord”. (1 Kings 22:5)