
Monday, March 19, 2018

To Him Goes The Glory {2 Samuel 20:1-24:25}

In these final chapters of 2 Samuel, David’s reign as the King of Israel is nearing its end. David was a shepherd, a warrior, a hero, a king, a psalmist, and a sinner. And through it all he never lost his faith or his desire to live for the Lord. Now in his final years, he reflects on all that God has done for him and writes a song of thankfulness and love for the Lord. "I call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised." (v. 22:4)

While researching these chapters I ran across a website called sermon notebook which teaches that in his song, David sings of a God who saves, sustains, strengthens, and secures. How amazing is that?! And as I thought about David and his relationship with the Lord, I took a look at these attributes of God that He manifests in the lives of all of believers.

God Saves: Along with His saving grace available through His Son Jesus Christ, the Lord also saves us from our enemies. “He delivered me from my enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me.” (v. 22:18) Whether they be people, addictions, disease, or Satan himself, we all have enemies. Each day is filled with personal battles. But we never need face them alone. When we put our faith and trust in God, even the mightiest of foe cannot stand against His power. We can confidently cast all of our anxieties on the Lord because He cares for us and is committed to helping us win every war. (1 Peter 5:7)

God Sustains: Life is hard. We all endure periods of temptation, trials, and testing. David was no exception. He faced dark times and felt the same feelings of hopelessness that we too may feel. But David knew the secret of overcoming any obstacle was by trusting not in his own strength but in God’s. “For you are a lamp, O Lord; and the Lord illuminates my darkness” (v. 22:29) Although we may feel overwhelmed and lost, we can cry out to Him to shine His brilliant light leading us to the comfort of His loving arms. For He promises in Psalm 55:22, “Cast your burdens upon the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” 

God Strengthens: David knew exactly who was the source of his strength; God. “God is my strong fortress; and He sets the blameless in His way. He makes my feet like hinds feet, and sets me on high places.” (vs. 22:33-34) “Like a hind (female deer)with strong legs and swift feet that go to high places on the mountains, so was David strengthened by God’s enabling grace.” (Moody Bible Commentary) What a beautiful picture of our God who is strong when we are weak. Who when we feel like we can’t take one more step, takes our burdens upon Himself and promises that when we trust in Him we, “will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” (Is. 40:31) When we humble ourselves to the Lord and count on Him instead of ourselves, we learn that that sometimes the strongest thing we can do is to ask for help.

God Secures: In an increasingly unsafe world, there is nothing more precious than the feeling of security. And unshakable security can only be found in the Lord. He is our Deliverer, Rescuer, and Comforter. “He went from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.” (v. 22:17) David knew that because he placed his faith in the Lord, God secured not only his past, present, but also his future. And He promises the same for us. When we receive Christ as our Savior, we entered into a secured and forever relationship with Him. “You were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.” (Eph. 1:13) “The Holy Spirit is not with us temporarily. He lives within us and never leaves us. This is the reason we can be sure we have eternal security. Neither sin nor anything else can cause the Lord to forsake us because His Spirit has sealed us in Him forever guaranteeing our relationship with Him for all eternity.” (Dr. Charles Stanley) 

From the time David was a simple shepherd boy to his reigning as King of Israel, God abundantly blessed, loved, and protected him. No wonder he sang his heartfelt song to the Lord. And even though he often faltered, he always wanted to know and please God. We can learn much from the life of the man after God’s heart (Acts 13:22).  And most of all, we can trust that the same love and promises He gave to His beloved David, He freely gives to us; His beloved children. And to Him alone goes the glory