
Sunday, February 11, 2018

SoulSearching Sunday~Provision

Sunday, February 11, 2018

SoulSearching Sunday!

Week Six

Welcome!  We pray that you have all had a precious time worshipping the Lord this morning!  Below you will find some thought provoking questions that will provide you a starting point to your journal writing to complete this week.  We hope that you will find this time soul satisfying!

Our reading this week was Numbers 8:1 - 36:13.

1. In what ways is your current situation like the wilderness? How has God eased the challenge of hard times by making himself available to you? What has God provided for you that would be equivalent to manna and quail? (Numbers 11:23)

2. Name specifically what you feel is missing in your life-whether spiritually, physically, or emotionally. Offer that list to God in prayer. Throughout today and the coming days, ask God to refresh your soul and to satisfy those inner longings. (Numbers 21:16-18)

3. If you were to write an accurate record of God's faithfulness to you, what events and evidence would you include? What would you do with this record? Would you store it away and hide it, or would you eagerly share it with anyone and everyone? Celebrate His faithfulness! (Numbers 33:2)