
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Why All These Rules and Regulations? {Lev 15-17:16}

Anyone reading the book of Leviticus for the first time must wonder, “What are all these animal sacrifices about?” Can you imagine what the inside of the Temple area where these animals were sacrificed must have looked like? Can you imagine having to bring a lamb to be slaughtered every time you want to confess your sin? It’s hard to imagine, but there was a reason for all God commanded.

Have you ever caught yourself  giving thanks that you live under New Testament grace rather than the Law? Me too, but if we pass too quickly over them, we might miss seeing what our salvation cost our Savior. You see, Jesus was our blood sacrifice. Redemption wouldn't have worked if Jesus had died of a heart attack, because we know that “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Heb. 9:22).
The Israelites were continually reminded of the cost of their sin. But today, having never experienced the constant slaughter of thousands of animals, some might take their salvation lightly, not realizing what exactly it required. The flogging and crucifixion of Christ was a horrible scene. Isaiah 52:14 tells us, “Just as there were many who were appalled at him -- his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being and his form marred beyond human likeness.” People were appalled! His face and body so marred that they couldn’t even tell there was a human being hanging on the cross. That truth alone should move us to tears of sorrow and gratitude for what He did to redeem us. Without Jesus we’d be without hope and eternally separated from God!

The goat set free, or “scapegoat” in Lev 17 was us! Jesus was the one who took our punishment, so that we could be set free!

Now, instead of bringing our lamb to the altar, we can point to the Lamb of God, who offered Himself as the sacrifice for our sins. His blood washes us completely each time we come to Him seeking forgiveness, and one day we’ll bow before Him in heaven, and sing praises to the Lamb who redeemed us with His blood (Rev. 5:9-10). What an awesome day that will be!

The reason for the requirements in Leviticus was to teach Israel and us that all life belongs to God and that only He is able to handle it rightly. Our God reigns over all creation! We need to recognize, both in thought and actions that our life belongs to God, and all other life around us.

So let me ask you, how well do you trust Him?  Are you trusting in His  power and wisdom to guard and guide your life each day? Have you relinquish control of both your life and others before Him? Are you wholly resting in Him, or still trying to manipulate certain circumstances?