
Friday, January 19, 2018

When life gets too tough {Exodus 12:31-15:21}

In today's reading we see God leading the Israelites through the wilderness. 

Haven't you felt as the Israelites in certain seasons of your life? Have you ever felt like you were going through a desert season? through a valley? or going around in circles?

We live in a fallen world...corrupted and evil, and in it's in those trials and tribulations that if we allow God to work in us, He'll show us who He is and what He's capable of doing...If we allow Him to go with us through "the valleys" or "deserts" He can certainly do something special in us.

How could we possibly learn to depend on Him if everything in our lives goes smooth, so smooth that we could handle everything by ourselves?

God led the children of Israel through the long and difficult way through the desert in order to prepare them and strengthen them for the battles they will inevitably face in possessing the promised land.

If the way to the promised land had been smooth, by the time they arrived they would have seen their enemy and run back to Egypt and become enslaved again in their former bondage...instead, through the trials, God taught them Who He was and that they could depend on Him to fight their battles.

Many people, mistakenly believe that becoming a child of God automatically takes you to into the Promised Land...that they will never fight battles! but that's not the case! After the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and went in to possess the land of promise, they fought one battle after another.

But it's only when they learned to fight in God's strength and under His direction that they won their battles!

Life will get tough from time to time, please do not back down just because "it gets hard", instead spend more time with Him, lean more on Him and receive more grace from Him.

Receive His grace today, which is the power of God working in you and through you to do the things you cannot do on your own.

Do not allow satan to defeat you in your mind. Do not let your mind give up! Do not lose heart and do not grow weary nor faint! Rest assured that wherever God may lead you,  He is able to keep you. He'll never allow more to come to you than you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).

You do not have to live in constant struggle if you learn to continually lean on Him for the strength you need!