
Monday, January 22, 2018

The Glory Of God {Exodus 22:1-24:17}

Monday Jan. 22 The Glory Of God {Ex. 22:1-24:17}

Could you imagine being an Israelite? To be one of God’s chosen people, pulled from bondage with the promise of a better life in a land flowing with milk and honey? To witness His miracles firsthand and be surrounded in His loyalty and protection? Now can you imagine after experiencing all of that love and glory rejecting the One who gave it? That’s just what the people of Israel did, and sadly what many of us do as well.

Throughout the Bible, God is called glorious. He is the Lord and King of glory, and His glory is above all the earth. And because He possesses a glory that is too bright, a righteousness that is too pure, and a greatness that is too powerful, no one can see God in His fullness and live. (Ex. 33:20) Yet even though we might not be able to see Him face to face, His glory is on full display all around us just as it was for the people of Israel. 

The book of Exodus is filled with example after example of God showering His glory upon His chosen people. He guided them, provided for them, and protected them. And because they saw physical manifestations of His glory, which both awed and scared them, they pledged to make Him their God and to follow Him in obedience. And just as quickly as they promised their faithfulness, they took it away and gave it to a golden calf. This got me to thinking, how many times have I been like the Israelite's. Quick to vow to follow the Lord only to turn around and do just the opposite.

How easy is it to make a covenant with God when we feel surrounded in His glory. Maybe it’s because of a received blessing, an answered prayer, or a need fulfilled. We feel close to Him spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We promise to never forsake Him, to faithfully follow His will and not our own. And then we go about our business, letting our focus wander on things other than our relationship with the Lord. We spend our time and energy pursuing our fleshly desires and instead of trusting Him, attempt to meet our needs on our own. 

But the wonderful news is this. No matter how much we reject God, He will never reject us. When we honestly repent and call out to Him, He forgives us and welcomes us back into His loving arms. The iworship Bible gives us a great challenge. “Picture yourself standing before God, insignificant in the light of His glory. Let God’s greatness resonate in your spirit and change your posture. God yearns to greatly impact and work in the lives of those who humble themselves in this way.” So I ask you this. Will you remove the idols from your life and make a solid and everlasting commitment to the One true Lord of glory?