
Monday, January 1, 2018

God's Perfect Creation {Gen. 1:1-3:24}

Jan. 1 Genesis 1:1-3:24  “God’s Perfect Creation”

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1) In these first three chapters of the book of Genesis, we learn of the perfection and beauty of God’s creation. In six days, and with each word He spoke, God formed the world and everything in it. And when He was through, “God saw that all He had made, and behold, it was very good.” (vs. 1:31) 

Why didn’t God stop there? His creation was perfect and beautiful, free of sin. Why did He create humanity knowing full well how we would fall and rebel against Him? He did so because He wants us to have a close, intimate relationship with Him. Unlike the creatures of the earth, God created us in His image and likeness. (vs. 1:27) And because of this we can love Him, worship Him, serve Him, and fellowship with Him. In His infinite wisdom, God knew that Adam and Eve would sin in rebellion against Him. Yet He created them anyway. And just like Adam and Eve, God knew that we too would fall to sin, yet He created us anyway.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand so that we would walk in them.” No one will ever know us better than God does. He knows us better than we even know ourselves. He knows what He created us to be and all of the wonderful things He wants to accomplish through us. Isn’t it amazing to know that the Creator of the universe who wants for nothing, wants us, and designed us with a specific purpose that can be fulfilled by no other. 

I will give thanks to You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well.” (Ps. 139:14) God created every inch of us. Head to toe. And He loves us just the way we are. He loves us short or tall, skinny or fat, blonde or brunette. Too many times we fall prey to the lies of the enemy who tells us that we are unlovable, unusable, and unworthy.  But that’s not how God sees us. He looks at us through the eyes of a loving, forgiving Father and sees us as nothing less than a most wonderful part of His perfect creation!

How about you? Do you know that you are “wonderfully made”? Instead of looking at yourself through fallen eyes, today and everyday won’t you see yourself through God's eyes and thank Him for His awesome works...including you!