
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Bowls of Wrath {Revelation 16}

“Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.””(v1)
As I read this chapter I thought about the iconic and devastating natural disasters I have seen in my lifetime or read about in history. These events have been shocking and had far reaching effects.  For example, there is still a shortage in America of certain medications because of the impact of the hurricane that struck Puerto Rico. In addition, many families are still displaced and enduring economic loss. The plagues and devastation that occur from the bowls described in this chapter will have even more far reaching and catastrophic impact.  It will be unlike anything known before.

As the 7 bowls are dispensed, terrible events occur and the targeted recipients are those who have embraced the Antichrist. This is God's great stored up wrath unleashed in full force against evil. 
1: Harmful and painful sores
2: The sea is contaminated resulting in massive death of sea creatures
3: Fresh waters are also contaminated on a large scale
4: Scorching by the sun
5: The kingdom of the beast plunged into darkness
6: Drying up of the Euphrates river- armies are able to assemble at Armageddon
7: Grand scale earthquake and massive hail

  Why, you may ask would God utilize such harsh and extreme measures? 2 reasons revealed are 1) to bring repentance for those who heed such a " wake up" call and 2) to dispense judgement on those who choose to let their hearts stay hardened. These judgements become a true litmus test of the human heart. Though harsh, the judgements against evil are fair and just. ....“For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve!””(v6)
The truly evil nature of their hearts is revealed ...“and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.”(v9). God knows the deepest nature of the human heart. He is looking for a sincerely repentant heart. 

Spurgeon contrasts true repentance and repentance that is merely circumstantial.
 "Judgment may produce a carnal repentance - a repentance that is of the flesh, and after the manner of the sinful nature of men. In this repentance the depravity of the heart remains the same in essence, though it takes another form of showing itself. Though the man changes, he is not savingly changed: he becomes another man, but not a new man. The same sin rules in him, but it is called by another name, and wears another dress. The stone is carved into a more sightly shape, but it is not turned into flesh. The iron is cast into another image, but it is not transformed into gold. This carnal repentance is caused by fear. Does not every thief repent of robbery when he is convicted and sent to jail? Does not every murderer repent of his crime when he stands under the fatal tree?" (Spurgeon)

"This is real penitence, when the man gives glory to the justice of God, even though it condemns him. O my hearer, do you thus repent? Is sin really sinful to you? Do you see its desert of hell? If not, your repentance needs to be repented of." (Spurgeon)

What will God find when he examines your heart?  God wants us to be always prepared, clothed in the righteousness of Christ.  
“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”)”(v15)