
Friday, December 8, 2017

Among the great multitude {Revelation 7}

I believe one of the rewards of reading the Bible in its entirety is to see that our walk with Christ ends in joy and victory!

Here in chapter 7 of the book of Revelation we see through the eyes of the apostle John, a God given picture of the joyful culmination of our journeys here on earth!

“People from every nation, tribe and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb" - Revelation 7:9

How wonderful is that day going to be! being among the great multitude that no one can count, worshiping and praising God! What a joyful day that will be! What a glorious triumphant future for every believer!

Revelation 7, also mentions something very important. It tells us that we will be rewarded by serving and loving the Lord. Which makes me stop and reflect (hope it causes you do to the same too)... 

There are so many opportunities to serve, here in the land where you're living at the moment or in a far far away country where people are hungry, thirsty, homeless or where no one really cares about them...others may be well cared for physically and financially but still carrying many burdens day in and day I really serving from my heart? am I really being useful for His kingdom? am I using my time and resources wisely for His glory?

Or perhaps, let me talk to you today, if you're included among those carrying many burdens... are you numbered in the throng of believers? what will the final chapter of your life look like? will it close in defeat or in victory? If you haven't asked Jesus to take your burden of sin, ask him to "wipe away every tear" (Revelation 7:17) from your eyes, to cleanse you in His blood, then one day you'll be a member of that great multitude!

Have a lovely weekend sisters,
