
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Entangled or Free ( 2 Peter 2 )

In an article I read by Albert Mohler, these comments were made about heresy: Among Christians, the word  heresy must be used with care and precision. Not every doctrinal error is a heresy, though all doctrinal error is to be avoided. A heresy is the denial or corruption of a Christian doctrine that is central to the faith and essential to the gospel. In 2Peter2 we are informed that we will find the influence of such heresy at work within the church. “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves destruction". (v1)

We need to be on alert to keep ourselves from being fooled and deceived These are some of the destructive characteristics that we need to be on alert for:
- They exploit with false words.(v3)
- They are bold and willful. (v10)
- They are blots and blemishes. (v13)
- They revel in their deception. (v13)
- They have eyes full of adultery.  (v14)
- They have eyes insatiable( never satisfied) for sin. (v14)
- They entice unsteady souls. (V14)
- They have hearts trained in greed. (v14)
- They have forsaken the right way. (v15)
- They love gain from wrongdoing. (v15)
- They are waterless springs. ( v17)
- They are mists driven by a storm. (v17)
- They speak loud boasts of folly. (v18)
- They entice by sensual passions of the flesh. ( v18)
- They are slaves of corruption with empty promises of freedom. ( v19)

These false teachers are entangled in their own prison of wrong choices and they will try to entangle you as well.  " For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.” ( v19)
‭The good news is that we have God's help to not be led away from our faith or deceived. 
“the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment,” (v9)

God ultimately has control and His righteousness and judgement will prevail. Each time we turn on the radio, watch TV, have a conversation with someone or read a book, magazine, etc. we must discern if the information is representative of truth.  We must stay in God's Word to recognize heresy that is counter to the Gospel and counter to God's will and character.