
Friday, September 1, 2017

And God will Finish the Work {Philippians 1}

Welcome to the study of the Letter to the Philippians!

Philippians is packed with truths and principles for living a victorious Christian life. In it we find so much practical advice for everyday life.

It is also a book of great one would believe its author wrote it from a prison cell! But despite his situation, not a very good one...Paul had real joy and his heart and encouraged his readers to do the same.

Paul knew the truth in Nehemiah 8:10 ("The Joy of the Lord is my strength")...He knew the enemy will always try to steal our joy in order to steal our strength 

So as we read this book, no matter the circumstances we're going through, let us be encouraged by the apostle Paul's words to rejoice. For the Lord is available and He is our strength.

Let us remember that Happiness is based on what happens, but joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit Who dwells in us as believers in Jesus Christ.

On today's chapter I want to focus on verse 6

"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"

Very Often we get discouraged with ourselves because we have yet not arrived at a place of perfection in our thoughts and behaviour...habits, lifestyle etc. But this verse brings some hope, that even if Jesus was to come today He would not be angry with us to find us where we are at this particular moment. Just as we are.  I believe he's pleased to see the right attitude in us and cooperating with the work He's doing in our lives.

Life is a process, a work in progress and we must enjoy the ride...enjoy we are on the way to where we are going :-)

It is also comforting and encouraging to know that Jesus lived in a fleshly body with He was on earth and He totally understands what being on a mission or completing God works means. He kept His eyes on the prize, so we must.

Every time we may feel tempted to give up or quit, we can count on God to strengthen us to go all the way to finish with Him if we ask.

On the practical side, this verse teaches us about perseverance (def.persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.) It is easy to start something because all of our emotions are excited about something new, but character is seen when feelings are no longer there.

God's character is always to finish what He starts. What about us?

God has promised to finish the work He started in us. Can we commit the same way? Can we commit to Him to finish whatever He gives us to do in this life?

Have a wonderful weekend !

Angie x