
Friday, September 15, 2017

Building Strong Faith {1 Thessalonians 3}

Paul arrived in the Greek city of Thessalonica after he and his coworker Silas had received a terrible beating and been imprisoned in the city of Philippi. 

During their short time in Thessalonica, Paul, Silas, and Timothy led several of the Thessalonians to faith in Jesus and this new nucleus of believers formed a church. But soon trouble started, and Paul, Silas, and Timothy were forced to run for their lives and Paul and Silas were forbidden from entering Thessalonica again. So the three of them traveled to the cities of Berea and Athens. It was while they were in Athens that Paul’s concern for the Thessalonian Christians reached its peak, so he sent Timothy back to the city to find out how things were.

For some reason the city ban against Paul and Silas didn’t apply to Timothy. Timothy was a young and inexperienced ministry intern, probably in his early 20's, yet here Paul empowers him to be an extension of God to the Thessalonians. Timothy’s mission is to strengthen and encourage the Thessalonians in their faith. 

Timothy had a Greek father and probably looked Greek. He would, therefore, have attracted no special attention in a Greek city, whereas Paul was immediately recognizable as a Jew  It is also likely that because of his youth the authorities didn’t notice him.

Love for New Believers

Paul’s problem is that he is separated from the Thessalonian Christians by distance and circumstances

For Paul, to  leave these new believers was like an experience of bereavement. This is a good lesson for us today. Paul so loved the Thessalonian believers that he would have risked his own life to return to them.  He wanted to give of himself and his resources for them, as a father provides for his or her children. Paul had a passion for new believers. Do we have this type of earnest desire for new believers? Do we long to see other believers and help them grow in their faith? Have we recently invested in new believers?

 Paul is most interested in the faith of these believers, not their comfort, welfare, or prosperity. The word “strengthen” is a building term that means to cause a structure to become more secure. 

Paul basically wanted Timothy to coach them to help in order to take the next step. Paul wanted Timothy to strengthen and encourage the Thessalonians so they wouldn’t waver when problems and suffering came upon them.

Trials and Persecution

No sooner had the Thessalonians trusted in Jesus when the bottom seemed to fall out of their lives. This is true in the life of every Christian. The truth is, if you aren’t presently in a trial you are either headed out of a trial or right now preparing to head into a trial. 

Some of us will face this type of affliction from our family members, coworkers, neighbors, and classmates. We may also face other trials such as terminal illness, loss of job, robbery, imprisonment, death of a loved one, or divorce. This is a part of life. Regardless of how we may try, we can’t avoid afflictions.  They are part and parcel of every believer’s experience. Afflictions are not accidents—they are appointments.

Many believers turn their back on God as a result of trials and one of the main reasons this happens is that many new believers have not been told the truth about Christianity. Instead, they have been told that being a Christian is all about health, wealth, and prosperity. However, the truth is that the Christian life is as sweet as honey and at times, life will turn difficult and disappointing. This is why Paul told these brand new Christians time and time  that they would face trials.

There the importance of building each other on strong be ready for what it is to come.

Be encouraged today <3