
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Never Give Up or In, Never... {2 Corinthians 4}

Have you ever been tempted to throw in the towel and quit? This was an area I didn’t always agree with me husband on when raising our children. He was adamant that our children needed to complete what they started no matter the obstacles or opposition they faced, and I can tell you, there were several times where I was willing to let them back out of their commitments and quit for various reasons that all made complete sense to me at the time, but John was never willing to let them do that! John was trying to instill the same attitude in our children that Paul is speaking about here in this chapter! 

Just this morning I heard a recording of Winston Churchill's famous speech that stirred the hearts of many Englishmen,”Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense.” Now, notice part of Paul’s speech,

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Can you relate to Paul’s words here? I’ll admit, I haven’t spent much time in 2 Corinthians during my Christian life, but I’m now beginning to wonder why? Can you think of a time or two when you wanted to give up, or in? To climb down off this pathway to paradise and all things glorious and turn around and go back to your old life that seemed so much easier than the journey you’re on now? Or even a ministry you’re involved in? Maybe even as simple as praying for some lost soul that seems utterly hopeless? I’m reminded of the Israelites in the wilderness wanting to go back to Egypt. There must have been some Corinthians that were struggling with this too and Paul lists several reasons why we need to press on. According to Paul, here’s what true disciples of Jesus must keep focused on:

  1. We don’t lose heart and we don’t alter or distort God’s Word to make it more palatable to some. (vs.1-2)
  2. We need to recognize the devil is at work. (vs.3-4) The reasons some don't embrace the gospel can be attributed to pride, love of pleasure, fear could be listed as factors for unbelief. Paul in verse 4 focuses on the work of the "god of this age" who "has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ" (v.4). The devil fights for his own glory, and often we battle an enemy we can’t see. I’m reminded of Paul’s exhortation to the Ephesians,
“Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” -Eph 6:10-12
3.) Remember only God can open the eyes and save a soul. (vs.5-6) Just as in the beginning God made light shine out of darkness (Gen. 1:1–3), He can open blind eyes to the light of the glory of Christ in the gospel (v.6).
4.) Remember too, we are only earthen vessels that God chooses to display His glory! (I love this verse and the reminder it holds for us!)
5.) We can be knocked down, but never out. (vs.8-12) I love how William Barclay put it: “We are sore pressed at every point but not hemmed in. There are all kinds of pressure on us, but we are never in so tight a corner that there is no way out. It is characteristic of the Christian that, even if his body be confined in some difficult environment or some narrow circumstance, there is always an escape route for his spirit to the spaciousness of God.”
6.) One day it will all be worth it all, for we will be raised from this life into the next just like Jesus! (vs.13-15)
7.) Though this body is wasting away, inwardly we’re being renewed everyday!

This passage clearly distinguishes between the vessel (clay pot) and its contents of the glorious gospel. But at the same time, it distinguishes between the true apostles and the false. Slowly, the false apostles are being exposed. Paul, however wants us to rejoice in the privilege that is ours as an unworthy vessel to contain and display the gospel for the good of others, and the glory of God.

I believe this passage is so relevant today, for there are many like the false apostles of Paul’s day that preach a “feel-good” fake gospel, and there are those flocking to them that desire to have their ears tickled! (2Tim 4:3-4), but will sadly realize their mistake one day, hopefully not before it’s too late for them! But, as for us, let us continue to rejoice that we know the truth and know where we’re heading and let us continue to shine for all the world to see! I’m so thankful for Paul and his reminders to us! Aren’t you?