
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Matter of The Heart {2 Corinthins 9}

I honestly “laughed out loud” when I saw the chapter I was to write on this week, for the Lord made sure I never forgot the lessons I learned long ago from this chapter, and I never have! You see long ago when I was merely a seeker and almost a believer, I was sitting in church one Sunday morning opening my wallet when it came time for the offering and discovered I had just two bills within it; one, a $1, and the other a $20 bill.

That Sunday, John had been called into work and I had been running late with two young children in tow and I forgot my checkbook as I hurried out the door. I had also planned to take the kids out for lunch after church and that $1 bill wouldn’t be enough for even a “Happy Meal” back then. It seemed like I sat there and debated for quite a while as the ushers made their way up the aisle,Should I give God the $20 bill and make lunch at home, or….not.” Finally the plate arrived and I decided lunch with the kids after church sounded too good to me, and I took out the $1 bill and laid it in the plate despite the pang of guilt I was feeling at the moment. I tried to console myself with the thought, “Oh well, I’ll be sure to do better next time.

The offertory music ended and the pastor got up and asked us all to open up our Bibles to 2 Corinthians chapter 9. I look down at the page and swallowed hard as I read the words, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:6-7)

I can share that story today, because I can look back at that time and laugh, knowing God has done an amazing work in me since, and I’m no longer that person that chose my creature comforts over blessing the Lord; all the while expecting The Lord to continue to bless me! I was already feeling convicted before the pastor ever spoke that morning, and I remember lunch wasn’t as enjoyable as I thought it would be, but I never forgot the lesson I learned that day!

BUT, enough about me, let’s look at all Paul actually says about giving in these two verses, for it seems to me that giving, or the lack of giving is all a matter of our heart!

It seems to me that The Lord is more interested in our willingness to give than the amount we actually do give, don’t you think?  Look back 2 Corinthians 9:7, “You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully’” (NLT).
This verse mentions four key heart attitudes we should have when we give to Him or others:

  1. Give thoughtfully. Don’t allow yourself to give on impulse, because the most spiritual kind of giving is when you think about it, pray about it and make up your mind before Him. This is how we should plan anything that’s important in our lives. God wants our giving to be an important and meaningful part of our lives. It should be looked upon as an act of worship as we give back to Him. Remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:40, “‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”
  2. Give enthusiastically. We should never feel pressured to give out of some form of obligation, for I don’t believe God will bless if we only give because we feel obligated to give something.  Give because you know God’s going to do something big in your heart when you become a generous giver. (I’m a living,breathing testimony to that!)
  3. Give voluntarily. Any time you’re pressured to give, stop. God’s not going to bless that. But every time you sense God challenging you to give, do it. Trust me! (referring back to my earlier story :))
  4. Give cheerfully. Give with joy! The Greek word used here can be translated “hilarious.” Which means it can be a “LOL” moment! God wants you to enjoy giving to him and to others. In order to receive a blessing far greater than what you gave! Trust me on that too!

Sometimes it’s a challenge to be cheerful when God’s calling on us to give. Whenever we feel less than cheerful, it may help to remember all the benefits of all God wants to do in our hearts. So, why be generous? Because:
  • It unites us; creating community, oneness among the body.
  • It’s making an investment in eternity.
  • It strengthens our faith.
  • It defeats materialism.  
  • It blesses us incredibly in return.
  • And, it makes us more like our Savior and Lord.
We can never, never, ever out give God. It’s all His anyway, but I believe He wants us to experience just a tiny bit of all He experiences every time He gives to us!