
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Eternal Focus {Luke 10}

By Becky Bramlett Austin

In this chapter, we see Jesus emphasize some important priorities for us as representatives of his Kingdom here on Earth. Each one of us is important, a living stone building up the church.

 “Come to the Lord Jesus, the “stone”that lives. The people of the world did not want this stone, but he was the stone God chose, and he was precious. You also are like living stones, so let yourselves be used to build a spiritual temple—to be holy priests who offer spiritual sacrifices to God. He will accept those sacrifices through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:4-5)

1. We have important work to do to share the news of Jesus. 
In the first part of this chapter, Jesus sends out 70 to go before him in pairs, depending on God’s provisions and sharing the Good News of the Gospel with those who would hear.  They didn’t come back complaining but rather came back excited because they were blessed and they had God’s resources to help them on their mission.  God will give us resources too to help us in this work of bringing others to Christ. But no matter how exciting it is to have God empower us to do his work here on Earth, our greatest joy should always be that we have eternal security in Jesus. Keep your eyes on the future joy that is yet to come.  Jesus reminds the disciples “rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

2. We are to extend the love of God to a hurting world.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.(v27)  Jesus gives the illustration of the Good Samaritan.  Two priests passed a man in need because they could not feel compassion for his circumstances and did not want to get involved with someone they considered inferior and unworthy.  The Samaritan, however did have compassion and showed mercy.  He went the extra mile to take care of this poor man without thought of recompense or of how much it would inconvenience him.  What about us?  Do we truly have compassion for those in need?  Are we willing to get our hands dirty, get involved?  Are we willing to be inconvenienced because we truly have the love of God and a heart that extends mercy?

3. Do not let the cares of this world hinder your spiritual walk with Jesus.
We are supposed to be responsible people, but our spiritual growth should always be the highest priority.  We have to find a balance between earthly duty and spiritual duty.  Mary did not waste the opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus.  Martha, on the other hand was too “cumbered” by the cares of the world to choose spiritual sustenance when she needed it.  Cumbered means “hindered, afflicted, weighed down”.  Could Jesus put your name in the place of Martha’s and say…” you are anxious and troubled about many things”.  If so, then you have not done as Mary and “chosen the good part”. It’s not too late, Make it a priority to spend time with Jesus, to be aware of the earthly cares that compete for your attention and cause you to forsake spiritual growth and sustenance.  Don’t forget that time spent seeking what is of eternal value can never be wasted time.